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Current press releases in the legal sector Corporate law from the law firm MTR Legal.
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Judgment of the BGH dated 23.04.2024 – Case No. II ZR 99/22 A post-contractual non-compete clause for managing directors of a GmbH (German limited liability


Filing for Insolvency and Restructuring Options   For various reasons, many companies in Germany face economic difficulties. Management must look for suitable solutions to overcome


Temporary Revocation of Authority Without Court Order – Judgment of the LG Stuttgart – Az.: 49 O 142/23   According to a remarkable judgment of


Criminal Legal Protection in D&O Insurance Managing directors carry a high risk and can also be personally liable. D&O insurance is intended to mitigate this


Federal court of justice sees no reason for limitation of liability Shareholders with unlimited personal liability must also bear the costs of the insolvency proceedings


BGH: Removal effective as soon as ruling is final   When a shareholder is removed from a GmbH for cause, their removal takes effect from


Draft legislation designed to modernize partnership law in Germany has formally passed into law. The amendments include changes to how defective partners’ resolutions are dealt


German company law makes a distinction between a managing director’s position as an executive officer at a company and their employment relationship, and this distinction


Fraud lies at the heart of many white-collar crimes. But in order for conduct to amount to fraud, various elements of the offense need to
