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Liability for Missing Cancellation Button

Haftung bei fehlendem Kündigungsbutton-Anwalt-Rechtsanwalt-Kanzlei-MTR Legal Rechtsanwälte

Sales Platform Must Ensure Cancellation Option Anyone offering subscriptions, training sessions, and similar services online must also ensure that a cancellation button is available on the same website. This requirement holds even if the website is not operated by the provider itself, but by an advertising partner. This was decided by the Hildesheim Regional Court […]

Withholding and Embezzlement of Wages

Vorenthalt und Veruntreuung von Arbeitsentgelt-Anwalt-Rechtsanwalt-Kanzlei-MTR Legal Rechtsanwälte

Proper Payment of Social Security Contributions With the conclusion of an employment contract, employers and employees enter into rights and obligations. Among the primary obligations of the employer is the payment of wages to its employees. This includes the proper payment of social security contributions for the employee. If the employer does not pay the […]

Calculating damages for trademark infringements based on the license analogy principle

Markenrechtsverletzung: Schadenersatz im Wege der Lizenzanalogie-Anwalt-Rechtsanwalt-Kanzlei-MTR Legal Rechtsanwälte

A license analogy is one way of calculating claims for damages in response to trademark infringements. If a registered trademark is violated, those concerned can turn to an IP lawyer for advice and assistance in enforcing and fending off claims. Fortunately, the protection of intellectual and industrial property is one of commercial law firm MTR […]